Sunday, April 25, 2010

Voice Poem



Existent under skin, bone,

Deeper sinking and settling than that of a ship,

Yet, mostly invisible

Eyes wide open,

Lacking lid contact,

Images of us so vivid in mind,

Almost as inebriation sets,

Yet it’s different with you,

Never fading,

As painful as you are delightful

Constant precautions,

Those to prove independence,

Even though that’s the last feeling brought to attention,

Longing for coexistence

Trouble dimming thoughts,

Eyes dry along with a lone heart,

Remaining open and ready for another to step in

This time it’s different! I Swear!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Performance Poem

While steadily pondering the subject,
Reach for the cupboard handle and pull,
Careful as a soldier tiptoeing through a minefield
While gathering tubes of syrupy tones,
Followed by snagging exactly three paper towels, a round for mixing, a thin bristled for outlining and a thick bristled for thickening.
While placing supplies on surface,
Continue to think on specific details composition will contain.
Details like thick; clean lines in the right places,
solid opaque colors, and the overall balance.
While dipping outlining brush into this thick; opaque goop,
This color-clouded water,
Feeling enlightenment as ideas continue to stream while composition builds up and is finished with satisfaction being the only outcome.